How Artificial Intelligence is redefining healthcare and its challenges

How Artificial Intelligence is redefining healthcare and its challenges

Gaurav Rekhi, Managing Director and CEO, Manipal Hospitals, Malaysia

The Rise of a Disruptive Digital Workforce - an Era of BOTs & COBOTs

Sherie Ng, MD, Strategic Region, Asia Pacific & Middle-East, NICE

What is a Digital Business?

Bob Hayward, Principal, Management Consulting, KPMG in Singapore

Values, Business Models and Competition Strategies of Big Data

Dr. Lawrence Wong Chi Wing, Managing Partner, GCE Consulting

Building a Cognitive Business

Building a Cognitive Business

Kenny Hay, Director of Cloud, IBM ASEAN

Cognitive Automation and the Disruption of Business Services

Cognitive Automation and the Disruption of Business Services

Cliff Justice, Partner, Innovation & Enterprise Solutions, KPMG