Manufacturing 2020 Quality Mandate: Make it Right or Do Not Make it at All

Manufacturing 2020 Quality Mandate: Make it Right or Do Not Make it at All

Larry Korak, Director of Industry & Strategy, Industrial Manufacturing, Infor

The Science behind Big Data

The Science behind Big Data

Eric Haller, EVP & Global Head-DataLabs, Experian

Emphasize on Big Data Visibility for Network Security

Emphasize on Big Data Visibility for Network Security

Scott Robertson, Vice President , APAC, WatchGuard

Mercer: Adding Value to Employee Management

Puneet Swani, Growth Markets Business Leader, Career,Mercer

CIO's Role in Deriving Optimal Value through Business Intelligence Project

Shubhendu Dutta, Director- IT, MTS Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd

Achieving a Single System Vision Post - Merger

Achieving a Single System Vision Post - Merger

Carmine Renzulli, EVP & CHRO, Cypress Semiconductor Corp

Navigating a Smooth Journey to Supply Chain Cloud

Navigating a Smooth Journey to Supply Chain Cloud

Jon Chorley, CSO and GVP of SCM Strategy and PLM Development, Oracle

Fintech and Risk Management: Oil and Water Never Mix?

Fintech and Risk Management: Oil and Water Never Mix?

Peter Deans, Chief Risk Officer, Bank of Queensland

Leveraging Compliance Infrastructure Investment as a Basis for Scenario-Based Governance

Leveraging Compliance Infrastructure Investment as a Basis for Scenario-Based Governance

Pierre Gaudin, Senior Director, Enterprise Risk Solutions, Moody’s Analytics