EyeD Infocomm Security & Solutions: A Secure, Vigilant, and Resilient Dose of Cyber Security

EyeD Infocomm Security & Solutions: A Secure, Vigilant, and Resilient Dose of Cyber Security

Raymond Kris, COO & Co-founder,EyeD Infocomm Security & Solutions

Risks and Rewards in a Digital World

Risks and Rewards in a Digital World

Dominic Casserley, President and Deputy CEO, Willis Towers Watson

Bigger Data - Information for Actionable Intelligence

Bigger Data - Information for Actionable Intelligence

Michael Shepherd, Regional MD - ANZ, International Services and Solutions BAE Systems...

Risks and Rewards in a Digital World

Risks and Rewards in a Digital World

Dominic Casserley, President and Deputy CEO, Willis Towers Watson

The Mega Trend of Cyber Security!

Roshan Khan, Director - Technology, Amadeus IT Group

Why CIOs are Embracing Enterprise Risk Management to Improve Cyber security

David Burg, Global & U.S. Advisory Cyber Security Leader, PwC

Redefining Cyber Security With Man & Machines

Bill Chang, CEO of Group Enterprise, Singtel